Gadjah Mada University shows the quality of the education sector that has met international standards with its accreditation, one of which is the Forestry Masters Study Program Faculty of Forestry. ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) is an international accreditation institution originating from Germany for the disciplines of engineering, mathematics and science, agriculture, biology.
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In the framework of the 64th Anniversary , UGM give awards to 60 outstanding human being . The award was presented Rector , Prof. . Dr. . Pratikno , M.Soc . , Sc to 4 professors , 19 students , 18 academic staff , 11 researchers , 4 and 3 outstanding alumnus of educators and educational achievement national level , at the Senate Hall on Wednesday night ( 18/12 ) . " It is like the roots , those who excel makes GMU stronger