Notified to PSIK S2 students who are interested in joining the MS FSCC One Semester Mobility Scholarship in European Partner Universities
The Tanoto Foundation was founded by Sukanto Tanoto and Tinah Bingei Tanoto as a manifestation of caring for others to tackle poverty. Since 1981, the Tanoto Foundation has strived to become a center of excellence in poverty alleviation through 3 pillars: Education, Empowerment, and Quality of Life.
notified to freshmen S2 Program Selection Results Academic Period Even UM Graduate Program 2013/2014 for more details clickable web..
S2 notified to the student tuition payments implemented in all branches of Bank BNI from 14 s / d February 21, 2014, students who have not passed or has not executed until the thesis examination date February 10, 2014 are required to re-apply for more details..
The document was submitted no later than 10 December 2013 to the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University