Speaker: Ir. Belinda Arunarwati Margono, M.Sc., Ph.D.
It is notified to S1, S2 and S3 students that those interested in attending the public lecture can register at the Psych.fkt.ugm.ac.id page and for S2 students who take the Tropical Forest Silviculture course must attend the public lecture
Diberitahukan kepada mahasiswa S1, S2 dan S3 bagi yang berminat mengikuti kuliah umum tersebut bisa mendaftar dilaman psik.fkt.ugm.ac.id dan bagi mahasiswa S2 yang mengambil matakuliah Silvikultur Hutan Tropika wajib mengikuti kuliah umum tersebut
General Lecture “Enhancement of Ecosystem Services in Tropical Production Forest for The Benefits of
Narasumber : Kanehiro Kitayama |
Mengharap kehadiran mahasiswa Magister dan Doktor untuk mengikuti kegiatan General Lecture “Enhancement of Ecosystem Services in Tropical Production Forests for The Benefits of Local Foresters
Ujian Tesis a.n Frank Samelino