In the framework of the 64th Anniversary , UGM give awards to 60 outstanding human being . The award was presented Rector , Prof. . Dr. . Pratikno , M.Soc . , Sc to 4 professors , 19 students , 18 academic staff , 11 researchers , 4 and 3 outstanding alumnus of educators and educational achievement national level , at the Senate Hall on Wednesday night ( 18/12 ) . ” It is like the roots , those who excel makes GMU stronger. Achievements faculty , staff , students , researchers and alumni can certainly be enjoyed by people of his , ” said the Rector in his speech .
According to Rector , achievement achievements UGM academic community would be a challenge as well as heavy duty . Especially amid globalization characterized by higher competition . ” Inevitably , we have to win the competition . Contributions UGM is along the nation for the competition , ” he said . Therefore , consolidation and hard work is key to success . UGM will advance if a consolidated human resources . ” How important it is , how to perform the father’s mother UGM will also perform . Consolidate strength and we thank you for your contributions during the father’s mother , ” he said .
Prof . Dr. . Ir . Sunjoto Dip.HE , DEA , Chairman of the 64th Anniversary of UGM add something special awards as if the achievements that have been recorded to give to or for the benefit of society . For UGM as a populist university continue to care about people’s problems . ” Useful and beneficial to society be the most important criteria , ” he added .
Perima award category of student achievement is Priscilia ( Faculty of Biology ) , Rida Nurafiati ( FEB ) , Nisa Raisatun Sugiyanto ( Faculty of Pharmacy ) , Restu Praise Arum ( Philosophy ) , Fajrun Wahidi sacred ( Geography ) , Sartika Intaning Pradhani ( Law ) , Intan Purwandani ( FIB ) , Hamada Adzani ( Fisipol ) , Aditya Doni Pradana ( FK ) , Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ( FKG ) , Vista Budiriati ( FKH ) , Arina Damayanti ( Forestry ) , Aditya Phisca Rosyady ( MIPA ) , Riski Dwi Saputro ( Agriculture ) , Muhsin Anas al ( Animal Husbandry ) , Regisda Machdy Fuadhly ( Psychology ) , Rizky Ramadhan Mohammed ( Engineering ) , Siti Maryam ( Agricultural Technology ) and Anissa Megia Sari ( Vocational School ) .
Categories educators ( lecturers ) achievement , are Drs . Gede Bayu Suparta , M.S. , Ph.D. ( Faculty ) , Prof. . Dr. . Ir . Eni Harmayani , M.Sc ( Faculty of Agricultural Technology ) , Trias Aditya Kurniawan Muhammad , ST , M.Sc. , Ph.D. ( Faultas Engineering ) and Dr. . Rini Rachmawati , S.Si. , MT ( Faculty of Geography ) as business Achievement Program .
Meanwhile , as many as 11 individual researchers and institutions are Prof. achievement . Dra. Wega Trisunaryanti , MS . , Ph.D. , Eng ( MIPA ) , r . General said ST . , M.Sc , the Kompiang Wirawan , ST . , MT . , Ph.D. , Wiratni , ST . , MT . , Ph.D. , Ahmad Agus Setiawan , ST . , M.Sc. , Ph.D. ( Faculty of engineering ) , Dr . Abdul Rohman SF . , Apt . , M.Si ( Faculty of Pharmacy ) , Laboratory of Genetics ( Faculty of Biology ) , Dr . Rini Rachmawati , S.Si. , MT ( Faculty of Geography ) , Prof. . dr . Laksono Trisnantoro , M.Sc. , Ph.D. ( Faculty of Medicine ) , Indonesian Journal of Chemistry ( MIPA ) and Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business ( FEB ) .
The award is given also to the faculty and staff performing the national level , ie, Teuku Faisal Fathani , ST , MT , Ph.D. ( Faculty of Engineering ) , Irvan Service , S.Si ( Directorate of Finance ) , Rohmad , A.Md ( Directorate of Student Affairs ) and Ali Minanto , S.Sos . , MA ( Fisipol ) . Educational achievement award was also given power to Prasetyohadi , ST ( Faculty of Engineering ) and Widyastuti ( Faculty of Science ) as the best laboratory , Ali Minanto , S.Sos . , MA ( Social and Political Sciences ) , Sukirno , SIP , MA ( DPK Library Faculty . Medicine) and Lili Kurniawati Uswah , SE , M.Si ( Library ) as the Outstanding Librarian , Fidya Alfian Rahmawati , A.Md ( Faculty of Dentistry ) as archivist Achievement , Riyanto , ST , M. Eng ( Finance Directorate ) and Arifah Sindhika Princess , SE ( Faculty of Psychology ) as Manager of Financial Administration Achievement , Nana Muhammad Yusuf , ST ( Faculty of Engineering ) , Raden Roro Goddess ( FEB ) and Winanti Praktiningsih ( Faculty of Medicine ) as Manager of Academic Administration and Student Achievement , Hegiandriyani , SE ( Faculty of Science ) Endah and Ratna Handy , S. Kom ( Faculty of Engineering ) as the business of the Public Administration and Civil Service , Jafilun , Kom ( Faculty of Engineering ) as Manager of Information Technology Achievement , Waluyo ( Faculty of Dentistry ) , Tringgardjita and RJ . Suwandiyanto ( Part TURT ) .
Meanwhile , four UGM alumni achievement is Hana Indra Kusuma , SP . , MP entrepreneurial field , Drs . Agus Setiyanto , M.Hum field of cultural preservation , Drs . Agus Setiyanto , M.Hum field Innovation and Creativity Design and Dr. . Cahyo Young Alumni Achievement Rahmadi field . ( PR GMU / General )