The release Graduates opened by the Dean of Faculty of Forestry Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut,. M.Sc. and was attended by Chairman Prof. S3 Program. Dr.. ir. Suryo Hardiwinoto, M.Agr.Sc. as well as the Program Secretary Dr S2. Ir. Musyafa, M.Sc. Graduates Pascsarjana S2 UGM Forestry Science Program has had as many as 964 alumni of the alumni have graduated from Period I PSIK until 24 October 2013. the average length of study 2 Years 5 Months for S2, terceptat study for S2 1 year 7 months (Mr. Ninda Asmarani Karningsih), the longest 6 years the average GPA of 3.72 with the highest GPA: 3.94 achieved by brother Nurrochmah Wisudhaningrum lowest GPA of 3.27 and a mean age of 32 years and 6 months of graduation, the youngest age 24 years 8 months by Moh. Andika Lawasi, predicate graduation on graduates first period FY 2013/2014 the students were awarded cum laude graduation were 26 graduates, very satisfying as many as 14 graduates and graduates Satisfactory 3