Comitee | : | Magister Ilmu Kehutanan |
Location | : | Magister Ilmu Kehutanan |
Date | : | Tuesday, 05 March 2019 |
Narasumber: Prof. Dr. Tetsukazu Yahara (director of the Institute of Decision Science for a Sustainable Society, Kyushu University, Japan.)
Mengharap kehadiran mahasiswa Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor untuk mengikuti kegiatan General Lecture “Human History, Biodiversity, and Our Future”.
Profile Pembicara : He is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist, working on the evolution of plants, biodiversity conservation and sustainable society. He has been involved in international activities related to biodiversity, including CBD, DIVERSITAS, GEO BON, IPBES and Future Earth. After CBD COP10 in Nagoya, Japan, he directed a five year project on integrated observation and assessment of biodiversity in Asia under the support of the Ministry of Environment, Japan. Over the last three years, he have directed a project of assessing the richness of undescribed plant species in tropical forests of SE Asia. On the other hand, he has contributed to developing Decision Science that focuses on human decision makings to various social problems and considers how we can transform our society towards sustainability.